Kanchi Temples
We happen to read a book written by sri. J.c.Murali about old temples of south india.We were inspired and planned to visit as many temples as possible.Our thanks to him for diverting our attention towards the age old temples.
Every temple as its own importance and many a places it is in Swayambu linga form. 276 Siva temples are known as Devara sthalam were Navakkuarsar, Manikkavachakar, Appar & Sundarar (who are known as saiva kuravas) ardent devotees of Siva sang hymns on siva.
There are 108 vishnu temples which are important known as Divya desams. Our first such tour was to Kanchi, south india and places around. We planned to visit important Vishnu temples also which are nearby. The temples dates back to 8 and 9th century. It was a 6 day tour from 21st feb 2006.
Kanchi: During pallava times it was their capital. The place is well known for temples and silk sarees. We started our tour from chennai . We were able to cover 90% only, due to temple timinges. Bus facility is available to all the places except few.
Some places are too small villages were nothing is available for tourists. We made our trip by taxi so that we can cover many places. We were 5 in number and our cost worked out to Rs2500 per head including room and food.
- Thiruvidanthy:
One of 108 important Vishnu temples.
The place is located at, chennai to Mahabalipuram via (Kovalam). 40kms distance fronm chennai.
Main deity: Lakshmi varaha perumal standing posture.Utsavar: Nithya kalyana perumal and Komavalli thayar. Teertham: Kalyana teertham and Varaha teertham.
Importance: Vara perumal married 360 daughers of Klava maharishi and he is known as Nithya Kalyana perumal. All 360 were united into one and named as Lakshmi and he has her on his lap, so the name as thiru vidanthay.
- Thiru kadal mallai:
This is One of 108 Divya desams, 60kms from Chennai or 15kms from Thiru vidanthai.
Main deity: Sthala sayana perumal sleeping posure, bujanga sayanam with his right hand on his chest as upadesa mudra.
- Mahabalipuram:
It is sea shore 50 kms from chenni. We have a temple, five charriots made of stones with rich carvings, stone elephant, etc. Holiday resorts are there.
- Thirupukuzhi:
This is One of 108 Divya desam, 10 kms from kancheepuram. The temple is ½ km inside from the main road.
Main deity is Vijaya ragava perumal in sitting posture and Maragadavalli thayar in different sanctum. Teertham is Jatayu teertham.
Importance: Women who want to concieve come here. They fry some green gram wash it and tie that to their stomach and sleep in the temple premises that night & next day if it sproutes their wish is fulfilled.
Yadava prakasar guru of Ramanujar preached vedanta here. Rama when he was in search of Sita, he performed last rituals of jatayu here. Pond was made by Rama known as Jatayu teertham. Jatayu attained moksha here.
[Vishnu temples][Divya Desam]